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Wireless USB Evaluation Kit
Thank you for purchasing the Artimi Wireless
USB Adaptor Reference Design (ADP-RDK) sample kit.
The ADP-RDK allows you to quickly and easily enable many of today’s common USB devices
with Wireless USB based on Certified Wireless USB from the USB-IF. It allows you to experience
for yourself how these devices would operate when wirelessly enabled with Artimi’s production
ready Wireless USB solutions.
Targeted specifically at USB connected hard disk drives and other storage type devices, this
version of the ADP-RDK supports nearly all devices which adhere to the USB 2.0 specification
for the mass storage class.
In addition to the contents of the evaluation kit, you will need the following:
• A PC with available USB 2.0 compliant port. This PC
must run Windows XP (SP2) or Windows Vista.
• A USB 2.0 compliant device which includes standard
mass storage class support.
• USB cable for connecting the USB device to a standard
USB type ‘A’ plug. This may have been supplied with
the device.
This quick start guide is designed to help you set up
and begin using Artimi’s Wireless USB solutions.
Getting Started
USB Type ‘A’ plug