Matrix-518 User Guide
3.23 SSH Console
Matrix-518 supports SSH. If you use Linux computer, you can use SSH command to login Matrix-518.
The configuration of SSH and key are located at
The key generation program is available at
3.24 Putty Console Software
For Windows user, you can download the putty software at to use SSH to login Matrix-518.
3.25 ipkg Package Software Management
ipkg is a light software package utility. It can be used to install, upgrade and remove the software
package for Matrix-518. Currently user can use ipkg to install the software package from Artila FTP.
You can find the configuration at
When Matrix-518 is connected to network and issue command:
ipkg update
To update the package list and use
ipkg install
To install software package and
ipkg remove
To remove software
ipkg list
To list available software
ipkg list_installed
To list software installed
Please refer to Appendix for more about