Matrix-518 User Guide
To add SSID and WEP key if necessary. XXX is SSID and YYY is WEP Key.
Matrix-518 supports USB WLAN adaptor (Ralink RT2571). You can enable the driver module
(rt73usb) by adding
3.16 File System
The 256MB NAND Flash memory of Matrix-518 contains Boot loader (uBoot), Linux Kernel, Root File
System and user disk (\home). The file system and disk space are shown as follow:
3.17 Devices List
The supported devices are shown at /dev directory. Following list are most popular ones:
1. ttyS0: serial console port
2. ttyS1 to ttyS8: serial port 1 to port 8
3. sda to sdb: USB flash disk
4. ttyUSB0 to ttyUSB1: USB RS-232 adaptor (fdti_sio.ko)
5. rtc: Real Time Clock
6. gpio: General Purpose digital I/O
7. ttyACM0 and ttyACM1: USB Modem (CDC compliant)
8. mmc: SD driver