Frequently Asked Question
Forgot password
If you forgot the password for login, please use serial console and
use run level 1 to boot system. Use passwd to change the password
Forgot the IP address
If you forgot the Matrix 504 IP address, you can use the Java
Manager available in Artila CD to search the IP address of Matrix
Or use serial console port to find out the IP address by
Loader Menu
Loader menu helps user to select the run level of system boot
up. User need to use serial console to enter loader menu.
Please configure the serial port of terminal as follow:
Baud Rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: N
Stop bit: 1
Flow Control: None
Terminal type: VT100
Once power up Matrix-504, please repeatedly keying
and you will see the loader menu appear as follow:
If you miss the timing, please power on again the Matrix-504
and do it again. Select U will prompt the run level selection
message. Run level 0 is halt, run level 1 is single user
( disable login and service ). Run level 2~5 are multiple
users and run level 6 is reboot. To view the run level
configuration, please check
System fail to boot
If you mess up the root file system and make the system fail to boot,
Matrix-504 will automatically switch to boot from Dataflash file
system. The Dataflash file system is read only and uses factory
default setting. After Dataflash boot, user can organize the NAND
file system for system boot.
If system is locked by user program e.g. forgetting to add
at auto
start program, user can use Dataflash boot to edit the
User can also use loader menu to force Dataflash boot