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The Input Control sets the amount of input gain of the Tube MP Studio.
Turn the control clockwise to increase gain and counterclockwise to
decrease gain. You may control two ranges of gain with this control,
+26 to +60dB and +6 to +40dB. Selection of the gain range is made
with the +20dB gain switch.
Use the +20dB Gain Switch to set the gain range of the input control.
When the switch is out, the Tube MP Studio operates in Normal mode.
Depressing the switch adds 20dB of gain. This mode is indicated by
the labeling in red and corresponds directly to the input control’s red
gain range labeling. For microphone applications, where more gain is
needed, push the switch in. For hot line level inputs, set the switch in
the out position.
The Tube MP Studio can power any microphone n48 volts DC
Phantom power. Phantom power is supplied to pins 2 and 3 of the XLR
Input jack when this switch is depressed. The Tube MP Studio slowly
applies and removes the +48volts, to prevent damage to microphones.
Be sure to turn down or mute the output of the Tube MP Studio when
engaging or disengaging Phantom power. Additionally, when
disengaging, allow 30 to 45 seconds for the power to completely
discharge. Most microphones will make a sound like air leaking from a
tire when Phantom power is disconnected, but some can make some
very nasty low rumbles and whines as well.