Array Solutions - SAL12/20/30 - Mark II Manual – Rev. 1.5.1 – September, 2018
Installation Instructions
Site Preparation
Prepare the location that the mast will mount. This may include installing a sleeve in the
ground to receive the mast, preparing a hole, or pouring a concrete, etc. Do not yet raise
the mast as you will need access to the top of the mast.
Select the location for the mast. Then, measure (33 feet for the SAL-30, 25.5 feet for the
SAL-20 and 18.5 feet for the SAL-12) in a northeast direction and drive a loop stakes
into the ground. Repeat this for the southeast, southwest, and northwest directions,
stakes. Verify that each stake is in line with the center and its opposite stake. Please see
Appendixes 2a and 2b, suggestions on how to establish perpendicular lines on the field
These measurements are for ground mounted installations. For raised installations,
the stake distance will need to be adjusted to properly tension the loops.
Loop installation
The loops should have a right angle triangle shape to it when finished. The lower
horizontal will have to have the loop couplers slid onto it. The
polarity should be the
same on all the couplers. All must be oriented so that the red wire or “+”, or
positive, that enters into the ferrites tube by one of its ends faces away from the
mast on all of the couplers. This red wire should be connected to the corresponding
“+” terminal in the combiner box. The black wire is the “-“ or negative, is the one
entering by the end of the ferrite tube that should be closest to the mast and
connected to the corresponding “-“ terminal. (Please refer to either the drawing or the
picture on page 10).
Make sure that the loop is not tangled with any of the other loop
wires. Next, repeat these steps for the remaining three loops.
Next, prepare the four tether ropes, each being about 10 feet long. Form a loose fitting
knot around each of the four loops near the outer corner of each loop. A bowline knot
works well. Also string on a rope tension device on each rope as shown in the picture.