To Clarify:
What is covered by the warranty:
The repair or replacement of your Arovec product (at Arovec’s discre�on) if the product is
found to be defec�ve due to faulty manufacture. Arovec reserves the right to determine if
the fault requires a replacement or repair.
Packaging and instruc�ons of a faulty product may also be replaced if damaged.
The warranty is only valid for the personal use of this product in the USA.
What is not covered by the warranty:
Using the products for commercial purposes, or anything other than normal domes�c
personal use.
Use of the product outside USA.
Accidental damage or faults caused by negligence, misuse, vandalism or neglect.
Damage or faults caused by not following the instruc�ons in the user manual.
Unsupervised use by children under the age of 18.
Repairs or altera�ons carried out by par�es other than Arovec or an authorised agent.
Any other condi�ons not listed above, are not covered by Arovec warranty.
1.2 For Renew Products:
A renew Product, which is purchased from a seller that is authorised by Arovec, is only
covered under six months warranty.
1.3 For Replacements:
Replacement of a brand-new Product is covered by the one-year standard warranty
from the date of replacement arrangement.
Replacement of a renew Product that is purchased from a seller and is authorised by Arovec
is only covered by six months warranty from the date of replacement arrangement.
(2) Disclaimer
You are solely responsible for evalua�ng the Product and determining whether it is fit for your
You acknowledge and agree that Product is not safe for use by children.
You acknowledge and agree that working with the Product is dangerous and carries the risk of
electric shock, burns, lacera�ons, other injuries and death.
You acknowledge that you use the Product at your own risk and that you are responsible at all
�mes for evalua�ng whether or not it is safe to use the Product.