Designs, materials, weights and performance ratings are approximate and subject to change without notice. Visit
international.com for up-to-date information.
Level Two Hidden Diagnostics Values – continued
Pressure 9Cs
= Nine pressure coefficients unique to the pressure transducer. Use the RIGHT ARROW to access all
nine coefficients.
Press. Max psi
= Based on installed sensor.
Press. Min psi
= 0 psia
Press the RIGHT ARROW to access:
= RTD resistance at 0°C (1000 ohms).
= RTD coefficient A (.0039083).
= RTD coefficient B (-5.775e-07).
RTD1 Max Deg. F
= 500
RTD1 Min Deg. F
= -330
= Second RTD configuration, for special applications only.
Correction Pairs
- ft3/sec (1 through 10)
- %Dev. (1 through 10)
= Factory use only.
Force Recal?
= Factory use only.
Min. Delta H
– Energy EMS meters only. Sets the deadband for totalization to begin. Must be greater than this
number (1 default) to initiate the totalizer.
Init Displ. (sec)
= Enter a value in seconds to initialize the display every xxx seconds. Enter a value of 0 to disable
initializing the display.
Troubleshooting and Repair – continued
Analog Output Calibration
To check the 4–20 mA circuit, connect a DVM in series with the output loop. Select zero or full scale (from the second
level of the hidden diagnostics) and then actuate the enter key twice. This action will cause the meter to output its 4
mA or 20 mA condition. If the DVM indicates a current greater than ± 0.006 mA from 4 or 20, adjust the setting up or
down until the output is calibrated.
Note: these settings are not for adjusting the output zero and span to match a flow range, that function is located in
the Output Menu.