It should be noted that the command list described below is the
proposed list of commands
. As our scale continues to develop,
commands are added as each firmware revision comes out. The revision in which the command was added is shown just to the right of
the command in parenthesis. If (X) is indicated it means that the command has not been implemented yet and is slated for future
release. To check the revision number of your scale, watch the Arlyn Logo splash-screen when you first turn on your scale. Firmware
upgrades can be purchased and installed in your indicator. . Some commands can be implemented based on customer request. If it is
imperative for the customer to have a certain command type, contact our service department for more information and to get quote
for the functionality to be implemented.
Print Request Response Time
When the scale receives a print request (*P) there is a small time-delay while the scale computes and formats its output frame. For any
frame function that outputs weight or parts count the response time is typically 100 milliseconds (1/10
second). For almost all other
frame functions the response is almost immediate.
External Command Limitations
It is important that when sending repeated print requests (*P) to the scale that you wait for the scale to completely transmit its print
frame, and then wait a small amount of time before sending the next request. If the scale receives a print request while it is still
transmitting, the scale could actually lock up requiring a power off reset. Also, it is advisable to wait a small amount of time after the
output frame is complete to give the sca
le a chance to do its own “housekeeping chores”. To immediately send another print request
directly after a transmission could bog down the scale’s displayed update rate and keyboard response.
The [*] Command: Used for Keyboard Emulation
A number of external commands can be sent to the scale to simulate keyboard presses. These commands are listed below. Each
command must be prefixed with a * character and no CR is required.
*P or *1
Print Key
- (1)
*C or *3
Units Key
- (3)
*Z or *0
Zero Key
- (0)
*N or *9
Net/Gross Key - (9)
*T or *7
Tare Key
- (7)
*U or *8
Up Arrow Key
- (8)
*D or *2
Down Arrow Key - (2)
*L or *4
Left Arrow Key - (4)
*R or *6
Right Arrow Key - (6)
Decimal Point
- (On/Off)
On/Off Key, reboot the scale.
*M or *5
Menu/Back Key - (5)
Enter Key
- (Enter)
Care must be taken when sending key commands via RS485
as some keys will perform different functions depending on the scale’s
operating mode.
Test Using Terminal
You can also test the scale communication using a Serial Terminal. To do this, first you will need to download a suitable terminal (if you
don’t h
ave one). We recommend RealTerm (
Direct Link to File:
In RealTerm (or your favorite terminal), setup the connection using the COM port of your Serial Communication.