Blood/Fluid Warming System
Blood/Fluid Warming System
Removing the disposable set from the Ranger warming unit
1. Close the inlet clamp proximal to the fluid warming cassette and open all clamps distal to
the cassette.
2. Disconnect the disposable set from the fluid source, if applicable.
3. Allow fluid to flow to the patient (this may take 2-3 seconds). Close a distal clamp.
4. Remove the fluid warming cassette from the warming unit and discard according to
institutional protocol.
5. Reconnect the patient IV line to the fluid source to continue the infusion without warming.
Transferring the disposable set from one Ranger warming unit to another
1. Follow steps 1-3 above, then remove the disposable set from the first warming unit.
2. During transport, keep the clamps closed and do not infuse fluids while the warming
cassette is outside of the warming unit.
3. Slide the warming cassette into the second warming unit.
4. Ensure that air is removed from the tubing.
5. Open the clamps and continue the infusion.