Instructions for installation and use
L 64
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Page 1: ...GB Dishwasher Instructionsforinstallationanduse L 64 L 64 All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...
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Page 4: ...alt an important ally p 7 Usingtherightsaltandintherightquantitywillhelpyoukeepyour dishwasherintopcondition towashbetterandtoavoidpossibledamage causedbylimescale 6 Adviceandsuggestionstohelpyou make savings as well p 7 Thisiswhereyouwillfindhandytipsonhowtowashyourdishesbetter andtohelpmakesavingsbyselectingawashcyclewhichbestsuitsthe typeofload 7 Troubleshooting p 9 Beforecallingforatechnician ...
Page 5: ...arts which make up your dishwasher you will use it better for it G Cycle phase and delayed start indicator lights pre wash wash rinse drying and if you have set a delayed start these indicate the hours left before the cycle starts S Low salt indicator light This light warns you that it is time to add more salt C S G A B D E G J I L K H F E Let s open up your dishwasher together 7HFKQLFDO FKDUDFWHU...
Page 6: ...tensilswithsharpbladesor tipsshouldbepositionedwiththe sharppartsatthebottom Position all cutlery items so that theydon ttouch What goes into the upper rack Place delicate and lightweight dishesintheupperrack glasses teacupsandcoffeecups saucers but plates too shallow salad bowls slightlydirtyfryingpansand shallowpans Positionlightweightdishes insuch awayastoavoid theirbeingmoved bythesprayofwater...
Page 7: ... indicatorlight G willturnoff Thisistoinformyouthatallthe settingshavebeencancelled You arenowfreetore setthecorrect washcycle You ve left out a dish Well ithappenstoeveryone Inter ruptthewashcyclebypressingthe ON OFFbutton insertthedishyou hadforgottenandpresstheON OFFbuttonagain Thecyclewill startupfromwhereyouinterrupted it Finished Theendofthewashcycleisindi catedbytwoshortbeepsandthe flashing...
Page 8: ...improves drying If drops of water remain on the dishes or spotting occurs turn the dosage adjuster to a higher setting If on the other hand the dishes have white streaks then turn the dosage adjuster down to a lower setting Warning Special dishwasher tablets are now available on the market and combine the detergent salt and rinse aid all in one 3 in 1 tabs If the water in your area is hard or very...
Page 9: ... delicate items Pre wash with hot water at 40 C Wash at 65 C 2 cold rinses Hot rinse at 65 C Drying J DLO DVK Cycle for normally dirty pans and dishes Standard daily cycle Wash at 50 Cold rinse Hot rinse at 70 C Drying J Environmentally friendly cycle with low energy consumption levels suitable for normally dirty pans and dishes 2 C old pre washes Wash at 50 C Hot rinse at 65 C Drying J 5 DSLG Eco...
Page 10: ...oaded thesaltforthefirsttime itisnor malthatthelowsaltindicatorlight flashesfor5consecutivecycles Salt adjustment Yourdishwashercanadjustitssalt consumptionaccordingtothehard ness of the water in your home This way you can optimise and customiseyourdishwasher ssalt consumption nottoomuch nortoo little Toadjustsaltconsumption doas follows 1 Unscrewthesaltcontainercap 2 Thereisanarrowontheneck ofthe...
Page 11: ...ishwasher you can even placeitsothatitssidesorback panelaresidebysidewithfurni tureorupagainstthewall Thedish washerisprovidedwithwatersup plyanddrainhoses whichcanbe directedtowardstheleftorrightto facilitateappropriateinstallation Thisdishwashermodelcanbebuilt underasingleworktop pleaseread therelevantinstructionsheet Levelling Oncetheapplianceispositioned adjustthefeetbyscrewingthem inoroutdepe...
Page 12: ...ersup plysufficient Isthehosebent Isthefilteronthewatersupply hoseblocked Isthedishwasherdooropen Havetheinstructionsonstart ingtheapplianceandselecting the desired wash cycle been followedcorrectly The dishes are not clean Haveyouputtherightamount ofdetergentintothedispenser Isthewashcyclesuitablefor thedishesyouhaveplacedin sidetheappliance Are the filter and microfilter clean Can the sprayer ar...
Page 13: ...notbe trappedinside Unplugtheappliance Beforecarryingoutanycleaning ormaintenanceonthedishwasher alwaysremovetheplugfromthe electricitysocket Donotrunrisks No solvents No abrasives Tocleantheexteriorandrubber partsofyourappliance donotuse solventsorabrasivecleaningprod ucts Useaclothdampenedwith lukewarmsoapywateronly Ifthereareanystainsonthesur faceoftheapplianceinterior use aclothdampenedwithwat...
Page 14: ... of the Registration Card which you retain THANK YOU for choosing an Ariston appliance We are confident you have made a good choice and that your new appliance will give many years of excellent service And we re there when you need us Registeryourpurchase now Thiswillconfirmyourentitlementtofree spare parts for five years and you could also be lucky enough to recover the cost of your pur chase in ...
Page 15: ...All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
Page 16: ...i Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italy Tel 39 0732 6611 Fax 39 0732 662501 www merloni com P07 2004 195041433 01 Xerox Business Services DocuTech All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m ...