Negative Slope Paralleling
When the unit is used in a multi-Module configuration with non Argus RSM series units then the
slope method should be used. The output slope adjustment should be given a preliminary adjust-
ment so that the Modules will share the load. Set the slope controls of all units to 1.00% via the
slope adjustment submenu of LOAD SHARING found in the ADJUSTMENTS menu.
Forced Paralleling
After the slope has been adjusted, enable the forced sharing system via the forced share en-
able/disable menu item of load sharing found in the adjustments submenu. Pressing the enter/se-
lect key will toggle between enable and disable. This will cause all Argus RSM series rectifiers to
parallel without fine tuning the output voltage or slope. All units should be set to 0.5% slope. It is
possible that more than one master may exist in a multi-module system when forced paralleling is
enabled. This generally occurs when two or more rectifiers have been adjusted to the same output
voltage (within 0.005V). Multiple masters do not affect the overall system performance.
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