Service Manual
Technical Information
Special protective equipment for fire fighters:
In confined spaces use self-contained breathing apparatus
Hazardous combustion products:
Incomplete combustion may form carbon monoxide.
Accidental Release Measures
Immediate emergency action:
Clear people away from the area to a safe place
Do not operate electrical equipment unless
Summon the emergency services
Treat or refer casualties if necessary
Further action (when release is made safe):
Extinguish all naked lights
avoid creating sparks
Position fire fighting equipment
Cover drains and disperse vapour with water spray.
Note: vapour may collectin confined spaces.
Further actions:
Stop release
Use dry powder or carbon dioxide extinguishers
Cool containers exposed to fire by using water / mist spray.
Accidental Release Measures
Due to the flammability of R-290 and the risk of fire or explosion during servicing,
special safety rules must be followed during operation. In order to avoid damage for
people and property, particular requirements are listed hereafter.
Before servicing the unit, the surrounding area were the work will be done must be
clear of safety hazards to ensure safe working. Nevertheless it is required to carry out
a risk assessment in order to minimise the risk of ignition of R-290.
The following safety measures must be followed:
1. Any employees and other present persons must be informed about the service and the way the service is done, first.
2. It is recommended to isolate the working environment in order to keep out any unauthorised personnel.
3. It is useful to set up signs such as
no smoking
access denied
4. It is prohibited to store any combustible goods within the working environment.
5. Within two (2) metres radius, ignition sources are not allowed in the working area.
6. Fire extinguisher (dry powder) must be easily accessible at any time.
7. During service work, proper ventilation of the environment must be ensured.