SNMP Manager Console Integration
There are two ways to transport SNMP data on the 6Gb/s SAS RAID
controller: in-band PCIe host bus interface or out-of-band built-
in LAN interface. Enter the “SNMP Tarp IP Address” option on the
firmware-embedded SNMP configuration function for user to
select the SNMP data agent-side communication from the out-of-
band built-in LAN interface. To use in-band PCIe host bus interface,
keep blank on the “SNMP Tarp IP Address” option.
• Out of Band-Using LAN Port Interface
Out-of-band interface refers to transport SNMP data of 6Gb/s
SAS controllers from a remote station connected to the control-
ler through a network cable. Before launching the SNMP manager
on the client, you need firstly to enable the firmware-embedded
SNMP agent function and no additional agent software inquired
on your server system. If you need additional information about
installation and start-up this function, see the section 6.8.4
“SNMP Configuration” of the user manual.
• In-Band-Using PCIe Host Bus Interface
In-band interface refers to management of the SNMP data of
6Gb/s SAS controllers from a PCIe host bus. In-band interface
is simpler than out-of-band interface for it requires less hard-
ware in its configuration. Since the 6Gb/s SAS RAID controller
is already installed in the host system, no extra connection is
necessary. Just load the necessary in-band Areca SNMP extension
agent for the controllers. Before launching the SNMP agent in
the sever, you need first to enable the firmware-embedded SNMP
community configuration and install Areca SNMP extension agent
in your server system. If you need additional information about
installation and start-up the function, see the SNMP Operation &
Installation section in the Appendix D of the user manual.
Single Admin Portal (SAP) Monitor
This utility can scan for multiple RAID units on the network and
monitor the controller set status. For additional information, see
the utility manual (SAP) in the packaged CD or download it from
the web site