Backlight LEDs
Parts List:
LED1 - 6
Now that you have your tubes on holders, you can put in the LEDs. The top of the dome on the
LED should touch the bottom of the tube, through the hole in the tube holder. This provides
support to the tube to stop it tipping backwards.
There are two versions of the APA106:
Type 1 APA106 LEDs have two leads longer that the other two. The longer leads go into the two
holes with tiny round “o” markings next to them (pins 3 and 4).
Type 2 APA106 LEDs have a package where one lead is longer than the others. This is pin 3
and goes into a hole with an “o” on it (pin 3).
The APA106 LEDs are in a “daisy-chain”. They are driven from left to right. Start with the left
most LED and work to the right. You can check that the test sequence is produced correctly
after each LED is soldered.
At the end of this step, your board should look like this:
Backlight LEDs
Type 1
Type 2