6. Place a new gasket into position on the cylinder.
Place the alignment pins into position; then place
the head assembly into position on the cylinder
making sure the cam chain is routed through the
chain cavity.
7. Install the four cylinder head cap screws with
washers. Note that the two cap screws on the right
side of the cylinder head nearest the cam sprocket
are longer than the two cap screws on the left
(spark plug) side. Tighten only until snug.
8. Install the two lower nuts securing the cylinder
head to the cylinder, one in front and one in rear.
9. In a crisscross pattern, tighten the four cylinder
head cap screws (from step 7) to 28 ft-lb. Tighten
the two lower cylinder head nuts (from step 8) to
20 ft-lb and the cylinder-to-crankcase nuts (from
step 4) to 8 ft-lb.
10. With the timing inspection plug removed and the
cam chain held tight, rotate the crankshaft until the
piston is at top-dead-center.
11. While holding the cam chain to the front, install
the rear cam chain tensioner guide into the cylin-
der head. Install the pivot cap screw and washer.
Tighten to 11 ft-lb.
12. With the alignment pin installed in the camshaft
and the cam lobes directed down (toward the pis-
ton), place the camshaft in position and verify that
the timing mark on the magneto is visible through
the inspection plug and that the timing marks on
the camshaft sprocket are parallel with the valve
cover mating surface.
NOTE: When the camshaft assembly is seated,
make sure the alignment pin in the camshaft aligns
with the smallest hole in the sprocket.
13. With the alignment pin installed in the camshaft,
loosely place the cam sprocket (with the recessed
side facing the camshaft lobes) onto the camshaft
and place it into position with the cam chain over
the sprocket.
Keep tension on the cam chain to avoid damaging the
crankcase boss.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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