01945 410950 [email protected]
Trading address: Unit 11, Cattle Dyke, Wisbech, England, PE1 34NR
Generic build instructions
Double Bay log store
Before you commence the assembly process, we recommend that you read these
instructions thoroughly beforehand to familiarise yourself with the assembly process and to
also check that you have the correct components.
We highly recommend that any assembly is carried out on a flat, level surface if possible
and that you use another person to assist you if necessary.
You can check our
YouTube channel
for assemble video, click on the link below:
Double Bay wooden log store - assembly video
Package contents:
2x Side panels
2x Back panels
2x Centre posts
1x Base
1x Lattice
1x Roof
65mm screws
6x 85mm screws (for the base only)
2x Spacer blocks
Tools required:
Electric screwdriver (No.2 Pozi bit) or