8 0 0 8 A N D I R I D I U M U S E R G U I D E
©2012 Indy Audio Labs, LLC all rights reserved / Revision20130220
Document No. 1000571
design notes
Aragon Performance, Reliability, Value
To experience your music in a given room environment
with true dynamics and at true-to-life levels a powerful,
accurate amplifier must drive a capable set of loud-
speakers. Your amplifier needs to deliver the program
current and voltage required by the system without
stressing or straining.
Top end sound systems are expected to fill a large room
with exceptional sound. Too often, the loudspeakers
used force difficult loads on an amplifier (low-impedance
and/or highly reactive). But only the best amplifiers are
capable of delivering a truly neutral, yet superb, musical
experience in such a demanding environment. To meet
that demand, discriminating listeners choose a dual-
monoblock amplifier such as the ARAGON 8008 or it’s
bigger brother, the ARAGON IRIDIUM MONOBLOCK.
The ARAGON 8008 is the modern example of the clas-
sic solid-state Aragon design that traces its history back
to the early 1990s. To this day it remains a true dual
monoblock with completely decoupled power supplies
and amplifier channel circuitry. Like the original, the new
ARAGON 8008 is capable of dynamics and precision
that few other amplifiers can match, even at multiple
times the price. The 8008 controls virtually any loud-
speaker load in an elegant and engaging way.
descendant of the highly acclaimed Mondial Palladium
Monoblock. The IRIDIUM stands out for its ability to
deliver a broad and deep soundstage, an accurate
musical mid-range and tight, potent bass response. It’s
industrial design mirrors left and right for 2-channel ap-
plications and, like the 8008, it is unmistakably Aragon
with its “V” shaped heatsink.
Aragon Power and Audio Circuitry
When we first embarked on the design of the new genera-
tion of Aragon amplifiers, we at Indy Audio Labs asked the
rhetorical question – what would the engineers at Mondial
have designed in 2012 had the company continued to
evolve and grow along with the exciting new materials and
technologies available today? Specifically, what engi-
neering elements of older models such as the 4004mkII,
8008BB, Palladium II and Palladium 1K would benefit
from updates and what elements should simply be left
alone due to their proven performance and reliability? The
answers to these questions provided the core system re-
quirements for the new Aragon 8008 and Iridium designs.