8 0 0 8 A N D I R I D I U M U S E R G U I D E
©2012 Indy Audio Labs, LLC all rights reserved / Revision20130220
Document No. 1000571
Settings Page:
The top section of the settings page
shows each channel’s fault status (either “NONE” or
“PROTECT”) along with an individual channel mute
button. A channel reports PROTECT status if an over-
temp condition, DC offset, or loudspeaker wiring fault is
encountered. The channel input is automatically discon-
nected until the fault is corrected.
Individual Channel Mute:
The individual channel mutes
allow for simple troubleshooting and setup of individual
channels, particularly in a multi-channel surround setup.
When muted, the mute button illuminates red as below:
Front Panel Illumination Brightness Control:
The front
panel status ring may be too bright for installations with
low lighting levels or more dimly illuminated companion
equipment. This section of the control interface allows
the default brightness level to be customized from high
to medium or low.
Temperature Display Units:
This section toggles the
displayed temperature units from degrees F to degrees
C and vice versa.