Pool Service and Maintenance
It is advisable to bypass the solar collectors when either backwashing your filter or adding Diatomaceous Earth
(DE). This prevents the possibility of any DE or other debris from passing through the solar system as well as any
other pool equipment downstream of the filter. When the backwashing cycle and/or the adding of DE is complete,
run the filtration system for 10-15 minutes before returning your solar heating system to operation. If you have an
automatic pool cleaning system with its
own pump
, there may be several precautions that you need to take
depending on what type of system you have. These precautions prevent the air that is initially purged from the
solar system from possibly damaging pool cleaning equipment during the turning on cycle of your solar system.
Manual Control
- do not start the flow of water through the solar collectors while the pool cleaning pump is
running. Allow the air to be purged from the system and then activate your pool cleaning system.
Automatic Systems
- if your automatic control system is
equipped with a timed pool cleaner delay cycle, it
will be necessary to run your pool cleaner in the early morning and turn it off before your solar system comes on
or turn it on in the late morning, well after your solar system normally cycles on. If you manually vacuum your
pool, bypassing the solar collectors at this time will provide you with full power for better vacuuming