At this point, please refer to the “Hook Up and Level BIOFALLS
Filter” step of your BIOFALLS
/ Endless Cascade Manual!
Ideal placement for BIOFALLS
filter, skimmer, and plumbing.
Locate & Mark Out Your Pond Area
• We suggest that you use a plain
old garden hose to define the
shape of your new water feature.
The hose is flexible, and can be
pushed and pulled in various
shapes. Step back, evaluate and
modify your design until you have
something that you really like.
• Double check to make sure the
length and width of your layout
does not exceed the amount of
liner required for the pond.
• Be sure to locate the water gar-
den close to a patio, deck, porch,
or other hardscape. Also, keep in
mind viewpoints of the water gar-
den and waterfalls from inside.
Try to make it visible from the
kitchen, family room, or bedroom
for year-round enjoyment.
• Once the water garden is shaped
and defined with the hose, take
a can of brightly colored, highly
visible spray paint and outline
the shape (around the hose) on
the grass.
(See fig. 1)
• Since the BIOFALLS
filter is
typically the main waterfall, it
should be positioned so it’s fac-
ing the main viewing areas.
• Make sure it is placed close to
the edge of the pond so you can
use the pond liner to connect up
filter - unless
you’re adding a stream. Adding a
stream will require the BIOFALLS
filter to be set further away from
the pond and will require an extra
section of stream liner.
• In order to maximize circulation,
filter and Skimmer
are ideally placed on opposite
ends of the pond, directly across
from each other.
(See fig. )
Place filters into position
• To eliminate the need to dig a
trench, lay the PVC flex pipe in
place, along the edge of the pond,
before excavation.
• The PVC flex pipe can withstand
extreme weather conditions so it is
unnecessary to dig a deep trench.
• To eliminate the frozen and
potentially broken PVC flex pipe,
the pipe should be sloping down
from the waterfall to the skimmer
to help drain as much water from
the line as possible.
Lay plumbing
Fig. 1
Spray paint and outline the shape.
Excavate your Pond
The shape and depth
• We suggest excavating the pond
no more than 18-24" deep. This
depth provides the proper water
levels required for aquatic plants
and is deep enough to keep
fish alive during winter. See the
maintenance section for more
information on caring for fish.
• The excavation should be dug
with a series of shelves. The
shelves will add stability to the
walls of the pond and will also
create planting beds for different
types of aquatic plants.
• The first shelf should be about
8-10" down
(See fig. 3)
or the
height of a standard shovel.
• The second is typically down
another 8-10"
(See fig. 4)
• The third shelf (if desired) will
be excavated down another 6"
(See fig. 5)
, reaching a final
excavation of 24".
• All of the soil removed from the
excavation can be spread and
compacted around the BIOFALLS
filter, creating a berm. The filter
should be completely surrounded
by soil by the end of the project.
(See fig. 6)