Initially start the heating system to ascertain the problem ares. Once estabilished
switch the heatig system off.
Open all restrictive radiator & zone valves.
Turn off the cold feed to the expansion tank and drain the tank sufflienty to loop
together the feed & expansion pipes incorporating a gate valve. This loop will ensure
total circulation when the SUPAFLUSH pump is applied.
Draining the expansion tank can be undertaken either by conventional means or
connecting the flushing pump into the system & draining the expansion tank until the
pump tank is approx 1/3-3/4 full which should be sufficient to drain the tank and allow
the loop to be fitted.
NB - The pump motor must not be operating during this process.
Generally the SUPAFLUSH pump should be situated in an area with access to a cold
feed supply & drain facility. A kitchen or utilty room usually being ideal.
If your SUPAFLUSH pump comes complete with the
filter, then proceed as follows.
The filter should always be fitted via the swivel
coupling to the “return” side of the pump, thus
ensuring the water is cleaned after initially passing
through the heating system.
Prior to flushing, ensure that joints are tight & the
drain valve with the hose tail is turned off. The
removable magnet should also be pushed in its
correct top position as indicated.
As flushing proceeds the magnet inserted through
the top. Down the central core will attract the iron
oxide particles as they pass & gradually the filter
will become choked.
To empty the filter simply stop the flushing pump &
close the circulating valve on the down side of the
filter according to flow.
Remove the magnet by extracting from the top
of the filter body, which then loosens the metal
particles from the internal coil. Next either place a
receptical under the drain tap or fit a hose and drain
to a convenient location.
Open the drain valve & start the pump ensuring that
the flow is in accordance with the closed circulating
valve on the pump.