Poor Fountain performance
Reduced height.
Jets blocked.
Clean flow adjusters and fountain
head. Wash under a tap or hose.
Pond Pump Cleaner should be used
to remove lime scale build-up/waste
(see diagram) for improved results.
No flow from pump
1. Check power supply is on.
2. Check fuse and wiring (SEE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION).
3. Follow low flow procedure as above.
If none of the above works contact Pennington customer marketing Department
(See Faults problem procedure Page 25).
Green water
Settlement test the water to ensure that there is no sediment suspended in the water. If
there is, follow the brown cloudy water troubleshooting guide.
In order to check that the UVC lamp is operating: Open the filter unit (see page 19)
remove the filter foams and cartridge. Positioned on top of the yellow UVC contact
chamber will be a round viewing window where you should see a faint blue light.
This operation may need to be carried out at dusk as UVC lamps emit a dim blue light
under normal operation. Turning the lamp on and off may aid visual identification.
(Ensure the UVC lamp is not more than 6 months old).
The UVC may be working effectively but the filter foam/media is too clean and is
unable to remove the fine coagulated waste.
The filter is too small for the pond, check your filter selection chart.
The UVC quartz sleeve is dirty or coated in lime scale. Gently remove the quartz sleeve
and clean.
Follow all cloudy water trouble shooting points.
600/900 series
To clean, remove head
and rinse.
Or in hard water
areas, use Pond Pump Cleaner