It is advisable to monitor the UltraSieve every day. Maintenance is very easy because of the waste outlet. In
fact maintenance is about two operations:
1. To remove the waste that is on the surface of the sieve (every day).
2. To remove the waste that has gone into the profile wires of the sieve (only when necessary).
1. Removing the waste that is on the surface of the sieve is very easy by opening the waste outlet and to
rinse the waste away with a normal hose pipe. Another method to have water run over the screen is
pushing down the adjustable dam which will flood the screen with water. When the adjustable dam is in
a low position already because of the pump speed you can pull up the dam for a short while and push
it back downwards again.
2. To remove the waste that has gone into the profile wires of the sieve you will need a hose pipe with a
powerful spray nozzle or a high-pressure machine. For this way of cleaning you have to place the sieve
in an upright position or take the sieve out of the unit.
After a certain period of time the sieve can get “fat” and this will make it more difficult for the water to go
through. You can clean the sieve with i.e. alcohol.
Note: when you use the sieve for the very first time the surface of the sieve can also be covered with
a very thin film. Make sure you will clean the sieve very thorough with alcohol before using it.
Removing the sieve
First remove the water “guide” (
) from the unit.
Now you can take out the sieve for maintenance.
Removing the floating device
and the adjustable dam
First remove the floating device completely from
the dam by loosening the stainless (10mm) bolt
(as explained at page 3). To remove the dam you
need to remove the stainless screw (
) from the
unit in order to slide the dam completely out of
the unit. This screw normally prevents the dam
from moving up too high.