B a c k t o t h e c o n t e n t s
while using a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV). It will also allow compensation for a
difference in the hydrostatic pressure and the centre of your lungs, such as
when you are in a head-down position. You can use the VAK to tune your regu-
lator to maintain its peak performance throughout the course of your dive, or
you can leave it set in its mid-range position and dive with as you would any non-
adjustable second stage.
When the VAK is completely unscrewed (counter-clockwise), the regulator will
provide maximum performances.
When the VAK is completely screwed (clockwise), breathing resistance is
: Since the Mikron does not have a VAS, it is necessary to screw the VAK
all the way in when it is out of your mouth. Failure to do so could result in a free-
flow situation should the regulator get bumped or the purge cover depressed.
2.5 First Stage Environmental Protection series Titan,
Kronos, Legend „supreme‰
For diving in cold-water conditions, or commercial diving in contaminated water,
Aqua Lung offers an environmental first stage protection feature that seals the
ambient chamber from the environment. This helps to prevent ice from for-
ming and keeps contamination out of the main spring chamber.
2.6 Registered patents :
Comfobite mouthpiece:
U.S. Patent : 4,862,903
Balanced HP seat:
U.S. Patent: 5,746,198
Second stage thermal exchanger:
U .S. Patent: 5,265,596
Combined second stage adjustment for Kronos:
patent applied for