high flow NEXT
Notices for video analysis: Screen content preventing analysis by DRM or similar
methods cannot be analyzed. If a graphics card is configured for variable refresh
rate or a modified refresh rate, video analysis may fail; please deactivate this func-
tion in the graphics settings of the operating system if necessary.
16.7. Updates and update service
Updates and update service
Updates and update service
Updates and update service
For software activation, all aquasuite versions starting with version 2017
require an active update service for the initial release date of the respec-
tive version. Update service periods are generally assigned to individual
devices, brand-new devices automatically contain update service for a specific pe-
riod depending on the type of the device. For software activation, at least one de-
vice in the computer must contain a corresponding update service period that in-
cludes the release date of this software version. If a valid update service period is
detected for at least one device, all devices connected to the computer can be
used with this version. It is not mandatory that each device has a corresponding
update service period. For update service validation, the aquasuite requires an in-
ternet connection.
After successful validation, a file containing current data is stored on the computer.
A re-validation is performed only if a new software version (update) is installed or
upon connection of new devices. New devices can not be used prior to re-valida-
tion, even if other devices with corresponding update service periods are connect-
ed at the same time.
To purchase update service, please use the “Buy” button, which will open a web-
site with current prices and payment options.
If you have received a
key for update service
with a device or
bought one separately,
you may enter the key
after clicking the “Reg-
ister” button. Select a
currently connected
USB device from the
list for update service
assignment. After click-
ing the “Register key” button, the update service period is permanently assigned to
the selected device and stored on the Aqua Computer update server. The key will
not have to be re-entered after re-installation of the software or transfer of the de-
vice to another computer, but transferring the update service period to another de-
vice is not possible.
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Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
© 2020
Gelliehäuser Str. 1, 37130 Gleichen