Australian Pipeline Valve - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
A P P E N D I X 2
Body Bolting Torques
Indicative body bolting torque ft·lb (N·m)
(1) Torques shown are for A193 B7/B7M/B8/B8M and A320 L7/L7M/B8/B8M.
(2) Torque tolerance ±10%.
(3) For temperatures above 750°F (400°C) use 75% of the torque values.
(4) Above torque values are with the bolts lubricated.
(5) Values above are based on 30,000 psi (206.85 Mpa) bolting stress and lubricated with heavy graphite and oil mixture or a copper based
anti-seize grease.
(6) Do not exceed by more than 25% of values stated when emergency torquing is required.
(7) All bolts shall be torqued in the pattern as shown in Diagram 2 to ensure uniform gasket loading.
(8) Optimum torque can vary depending on type of body gasket but do not increase torque more than 10% above those shown.
(9) Consult us for other bolt material.
(10) Most B8M and B8 bolts are class 1 so do not assume class 2 unless you are sure.
Indicative torques are shown only, different body gasket systems, different seating
styles, different sizes & classes etc., will have different torque requirements.
Furthermore, other stud grades can have much lower torques depending if class 1 or
class 2 and or above variables. Bolt tensions shown must be decreased by 25%
when other or no lubrication is used. Non lubricated bolts can have an efficiency of
50% less than the torque values stated.
3/8 - 16 UNC
15 (20)
20 (27)
15 (20)
20 (27)
7/16 - 14 UNC
25 (34)
30 (41)
22 (30)
25 (34)
1/2 - 13 UNC
40 (54)
50 (68)
35 (47)
45 (61)
9/16 - 12 UNC
55 (75)
70 (95)
55 (75)
65 (88)
5/8 - 11 UNC
75 (102)
100 (136)
70 (95)
85 (115)
3/4 - 10 UNC
135 (183)
170 (231)
125 (170)
150 (203)
7/8 - 9 UNC
200 (271)
270 (366)
170 (230)
200 (271)
1 - 8 UNC
350 (475)
400 (542)
219 (298)
350 (475)
1 1/8 - 8 UN
500 (678)
520 (705)
256 (398)
450 (610)
1 1/4 - 8 UN
675 (915)
850 (915)
321 (498)
650 (881)
1 3/8 - 8 UN
900 (1220)
1200 (1627)
384 (598)
900 (1220)
1 1/2 - 8 UN
1200 (1627)
1500 (2034)
1200 (1627)
1 5/8 - 8 UN
1600 (2170)
2000 (2712)
1 3/4 - 8 UN
2000 (2712)
2500 (3390)
1 7/8 - 8 UN
2500 (3390)
3100 (4204)
2 - 8 UN
3000 (4068)
3800 (5153)
2 1/8 - 8 UN
3600 (4882)
4500 (6102)
2 1/4 - 8 UN
4400 (5966)
5400 (7322)
2 1/2 - 8 UN
6000 (8136)
7500 (10170)
1501 (2035)
1907 (2585)
2357 (3195)
2876 (3898)
Bolting Material
B8/B8M CL.1 B8/B8M CL.2
Stud Size