APsystems ECU-3 V4 Installation/User Manual
Local Network Interface
Home Screen
Select “Home” at the top of the page.
The Home Page is displayed.
Figure 24
Lifetime Generation:
Last System Power:
Generation of
Current Day:
Last connection to
This is a unique number that identifies
this specific ECU.
Amount of power this system has generated
during its lifetime.
Amount of power the system was generating
during its last polling cycle.
Amount of power that has been generated
during the most current day.
The last time the ECU checked into the
central APsystems EMA database.
Number of Inverters:
Last Number of
Inverters Online:
Current Software
Current Timezone:
ECU Eth0 Mac
ECU Wlan0 Mac
Inverter Comm.
Signal Level
Number of inverters that have programmed
into the ECU.
Number of inverters that are checking in
with the ECU.
Version of software firmware.
Time zone that has been programmed into
the ECU.
Address of ECU’s LAN.
Address” of the ECU’s internal WLAN.
The communication strength between inverters
and ECU. The range is 1-5, the higher the better.