If you don’t use the Finder, you can use the “Copy
Files” option of your GS utility disk or the “Filer”
program included on the AW 3 Expander disk.
+ Note: Instructions for copying with Filer are included
in the Appendix of the AW 3 Expander manual.
Instructions for copying with System Utilities are
included in, Apple IIGS System Disk User’s Guide.
A f t e r y o u c o p y t h e d i s k , s t o r e t h e m a s t e r i n a s a f e
p l a c e
11) Test the card.
Boot your COPY of the AW 3 Expander disk and
select the GS-RAM III Test program from the main
+ WARNING: The GS-RAM Ill test program will erase
any files or programs stored in RAM
12) Installation is complete!