At full duty, the fan is designed to last 50,000 hours (5.7 years). Ultimately, this depends on operating conditions,
and actual results may vary. If the fan runs less than approximately 4500 RPM at full power, then there may be a
blockage or the fan may need to be replaced. The fan is secured by four nylon screws and can be easily removed.
When a replacement fan is installed, verify that it is oriented the correct way, with air being pulled upwards
through the shield towards the hat. Ensure that the replacement fan is wired correctly as outlined in the
Inspect the shield regularly and clean as needed to maintain optimum performance. If the shield or hat is dirty,
wipe the surface with a moist rag to remove buildup and return the surface to its original condition. Check all
mounting nuts and tighten if they are loose.
For optimal accuracy, check the yellow-bead thermistor every three months for dust/dirt buildup. If needed, twist
and pull out the sensor port adapter, then wipe the thermistor tip clean. Be sure to return the thermistor to its
proper position as outlined in the DEPLOYMENT AND INSTALLATION section.
Apogee ST-110 temperature sensors are factory verified to ensure accuracy. Sensors are compared for absolute
temperature against the mean of two reference PRTs in a constant temperature bath, over a range of
approximately -35 to 60 C.
EE08 probes are rugged and weatherproof and designed for air temperature and relative humidity measurements
inside radiation shields. When probes are not in use, it is recommended they be removed from the measurement
environment, cleaned, and stored. EE08 probes, especially the filter cap, should be periodically cleaned to remove
all dust and debris. Additional filter caps are available from Apogee to replace clogged filter caps. For more
information about filter cap replacement, call or email Apogee technical support: 435.245.8012,
EE08 probes are factory calibrated and preprogrammed and come with a generic calibration factor (see Sensor
Calibration in OPERATION AND MEASUREMENT section). A custom calibration can be derived by comparing the air
temperature or relative humidity measurements from the probe to reference air temperature or relative humidity
measurements. Probes can also be recalibrated at the factory. Recalibration is recommended every two years.
Recalibration information is found on the Apogee webpage:
Questions about recalibration can be emailed to: