‐
‐
Generally
speaking,
the
more
satellites
being
used
to
calculate
a
position,
the
more
accurate
the
position
will
be.
However,
it
is
common
to
not
use
every
satellite
available
as
some
satellites
have
a
“noisy”
signal
or
are
in
a
bad
position
and
it
is
better
to
leave
them
out.
The
Found
List
Page
If
a
geocache
is
marked
as
found,
it
will
be
added
to
the
Found
List.
The
found
list
is
useful
for
viewing
the
geocaches
that
have
been
found
during
a
day
geocaching
so
they
can
be
easily
logged
on
www.geocaching.com
To
view
the
Found
List
page:
1.
Press
the
button
until
you
are
on
the
Found
List
page.
When
you
first
get
to
the
Found
List
page,
you
will
see
the
text
“
”
and
the
number
of
geocaches
that
are
in
the
found
list.
2.
Press
the
button
to
see
the
first
geocache
that
is
in
the
found
list.
Displayed
is
the
code,
the
date
it
was
marked
as
found,
and
the
order
it
is
in
the
list.
The
most
resent
finds
are
first
in
the
list.
Figure
18:
An
example
of
a
found
geocache
listing
on
the
found
list
page
Clearing
the
Found
List
There
are
three
most
likely
reasons
why
you
would
want
to
clear
the
found
list.
These
are:
•
Because
you
want
to
give
your
Geomate.jr
to
someone
else
and
they
want
to
keep
track
of
their
own
found
geocaches
•
You
have
filled
up
the
storage
capacity
of
the
found
list.
Congratulations!
This
means
that
you
have
recorded
finds
on
your
Geomate.jr