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Big Bottom
- What It Does
For bass instruments, it dynamically enhances the low end by
deepening and expanding the bass tones according to an interac-
tive process that is not just boost. The effect protects speakers by
extending bass without adding level. For acoustic instruments it
adds a warmer tone that makes the instrument sound rich. For
electric guitars, it adds fullness at the lower end of the scale. It’s
not a synthesizer. It takes what is there and enhances it.
Lo Freq
Sets the frequency for bass enhancement that occurs for all fre-
quencies below this point.
Lo Freq Boost
Mixes in the amount of Big Bottom effect you want.
Aural Exciter
- What It Does
This is the real and original Aural Exciter especially optimized
for musical instruments. It can variously be described as adding
“air”, “bite”, “definition” or clarity to the sound by interactively
creating and manipulating the harmonics of sound waves.
Hi Freq
Sets the frequency treble enhancement that occurs for all fre-
quencies above this point.
Hi Freq Boost
Mixes in the amount of Aural Exciter effect you want.