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Note: The Xciter pedal can be used either between the instru-
ment and the preamplifier or in your amp’s effects loop.
When using other effects, high gain and/or modeling ampli-
fiers, the Xciter pedal should be used after the other effects
or, ideally, in an insert loop just before the power amplifier.
This will bring your instrument to life along with all the other
Setting Up the Big Bottom
Turn up the Lo Freq Boost control to at least 12 o’clock so you
can hear the effect. Rotate the Lo Freq control to hear what fre-
quencies are affected. Listen for the sweet spot and readjust the
Boost control until according to your taste.
You will notice that, within a fairly broad range, the Lo Blend
will provide a balance where it does not bloat the sound, but it
does extend and deepen the tone. For bass instruments, this is
where the Big Bottom is doing what no other processor can do:
giving you more effective bass power without overloading your
Setting Up the Aural Exciter
Turn the Hi Freq Boost control up to at least 12 o’clock so you
can hear the effect. Rotate the Hi Freq control to find the sweet
spot, which can be anywhere in the control range depending on
your instrument and what you are looking for. If you just want
air, tune it higher and use more Boost. If you want the tone to be
more present, tune it lower.