802.11a/b/g Intelligent Sequential Outdoor Wireless AP
Warranty and Support
purchase price is refunded, shall become the property of Aphelion upon
replacement or refund.
Non-Applicability of Warranty:
The Limited Warranty provided hereunder for
Hardware and Software portions of Aphelion's products will not be applied to
and does not cover any refurbished product and any product purchased
through the inventory clearance or liquidation sale or other sales in which
Aphelion, the distributors, or the liquidators expressly disclaim their warranty
obligation pertaining to the product and in that case, the product is being sold
"as-is" without any warranty whatsoever including, without limitation, the
Limited Warranty as described herein, notwithstanding anything stated herein
to the contrary.
Submitting A Claim:
The customer shall return the product to the original
purchase point based on its return policy. In case the return policy period has
expired and the product is within warranty, the customer shall submit a claim to
Aphelion as outlined below:
The customer must submit with the product as part of the claim a written
description of the Hardware defect or Software non-conformance in sufficient
detail to allow Aphelion to confirm the same, along with proof of purchase of
the product (such as a copy of the dated purchase invoice for the product) if
the product is not registered.
Aphelion Technical Support Team will attempt to assist the customer in
resolving any suspected defects with the product, and can be contact at
[email protected]. If the product is considered defective, the customer
must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number by contacting
After an RMA number is issued, the defective product must be packaged
securely in the original or other suitable shipping package to ensure that it will
not be damaged in transit, and the RMA number must be prominently marked
on the outside of the package. Do not include any manuals or accessories in
the shipping package. Aphelion will only replace the defective portion of the
product and will not ship back any accessories.