13. Encryption code setting (Digital CR only)
Digital CR (also called “Digital Convenience Radio”) is a digital standard used at
351MHz and is limited to Japan.
This standard exists in both unencrypted and encrypted modes, although there are only
32767 different encryption codes, from 00001 to 32767.
If you know the encryption code, it is possible to set this code into ARD300 to allow
decoding of the encrypted Digital CR signal.
Note: In case of a non-encrypted transmission, ARD300 will simply decode it, no matter
what code you have set.
When the received signal is unencrypted, the LCD will display “D-CR”,
When the received signal is encrypted, the LCD will display “D-CR E”. ARD300 can
only decode this encrypted digital signal if you have set the correct encryption code.
How to manually set the encryption code:
Press the ENTER key for 2 seconds. The currently set 5 digit encryption code will
appear as follows:
The arrow represents the cursor
With the ▲ and ▼ keys, move the cursor to the desired digit.
Press ENTER to select that digit.
The arrow will change to a star.
Change the value of that digit by using
the ▲ and ▼ keys.