Input/output data
5.3 Latest error code/Latest error occurrence ID
It is possible to check the latest error code and target ID that the B2G78-D1 detected.
The latest error code list is as follows:
Error code
Error occurrence
Countermeasures taken by customer
power supply
voltage drop error
As this error is
not dependent
on individual
slave units, the
“0x0FFF” value
is stored.
The cause may be insufficient voltage of the
external power supply. Perform the following:
Adjust the voltage of the external power supply
to lie within the rated range (21.6 to 27.6V).
(Recommended voltage is 26.4V.)
Check that the power line (24V, 0V) is not
disconnected or short-circuited. Check that the
pin assignment was correct when the link
connector was crimped.
Check that external power supply is correctly
connected to the terminal block. Also check that
there are no short-circuits, miswiring, or
insufficient tightening of screws.
short-circuit error
As this error is
not dependent
on individual
slave units, the
“0x0FFF” value
is stored.
The transmission lines (DP-DN) may be
short-circuited or a current exceeding the
maximum allowable supply current may be
flowing through them. Perform the following:
Check that the transmission line is not
short-circuited. Check that the pin assignment
was correct when the link connector was
In addition, check the contact of each
transmission line and that there is no improper
wiring in the terminal wiring.
Modify the cable (line diameter and total length)
and units (type and number of units connected)
so that the consumption current of all slave
units does not exceed the supply current.