<Off Debounce Time>: Minimum unit is 0.1sec, 0-65535, default 10 (1sec)
//IDLE: set the parameters of idle event code
AT+IDLE,<Condition>,<Idle Speed>,<Duration>
0: disable, 1: only used speed, 2: ACC ON, 3:ENGINE ON, 4: ACC ON & ENGINE ON
<Idle Speed>: default 10km/h, 0-255
<Duration>: minimum unit is 1 sec, default 30 (30 sec), 0-65535
//TOWING:set the parameters of towing event code
AT+TOW, <Condition>,<TOW Speed>,<Duration>
0: disable, 1: ACC OFF, 2:ENGINE OFF, 3: ACC OFF & ENGINE OFF
< TOW Speed>: default 10km/h, 0-255
<Duration>: base on 1 sec, default 5 (5 sec), 0-65535
//MOVING: set the parameters of moving event code
AT+MOVE,<Enable>,<Speed>,<Distance>,< Duration >
<Enable>: 0 disable, 1 enable
<Speed>: 10 (Km/h)
<Distance>: 3 (minimum unit is 10m)
< Duration >: 2 sec(minimum unit is 1sec)
//Limit Speed: set the parameters of speed limitation event code
AT+LSPD, <Enable>,<OnThreshold>,< OnDuration >,< OffThreshold >,< OffDuration >
<Enable>: 0 disable, 1 enable
<OnThreshold>: 70 (km/h)
< OnDuration >: 30 (seconds, minimum unit is 1sec)
< OffThreshold >: 60 (km/h)
< OffDuration >: 30 (seconds, minimum unit is 1sec)
//Car(Engine) Power ON and OFF Event: set the parameters of car power on and off event
AT+ENGE, <Enable>, <OnThreshold>,< OnDuration >,< OffThreshold >,< OffDuration >
<Enable>: 0 disable, 1 enable
<OnThreshold>:132 (volt, minimum unit is 0.1 volt), ex: parameter 132 = 13.2 volt
<OnDuration>: 30 (seconds, minimum unit is 1sec)
<OffThreshold>:124 (volt, minimum unit is 0.1 volt), ex: parameter 124 = 12.4 volt
<OffDuration>:180 (seconds, minimum unit is 1sec)