Antaira Industrial Ethernet Switches
LMP-0601G-SFP Series User Manual V1.1
then finish by clicking the “Upload” button.
USB Management
Save Running Config to USB
Fill in the folder and filename and click the “Backup”
button. If the folder or filename does not exist, the
system will generate it automatically. Ex: file1, / folder
Save Startup Config to USB
Fill in the folder and filename and click the button of
Backup. The startup file doesn’t exist in the default
setting, so it will show an error if attempted to save. If
the folder or filename does not exist, the system will
generate it automatically. Ex: file1, / folder /file2.
Upload Config from USB
Fill in the folder and filename and click the “Upload”
button. If the folder or filename does not exist, the
system will return an error. If it succeeds, the system
will reboot. Ex: file1, / folder /file2.
5.15.3 Auto Load & Backup
Value Description
USB Auto Load
Select the USB Auto Load, it will auto load the startup file from
the USB to the Switch. And the file name is “switch-[MAC
ADDRESS].cfg”, if the file doesn’t exist, it will find “switch-
config.cfg”. If all of them don’t exist, it will not work.
USB Auto Backup
Select the USB Auto Backup, it will start the auto Backup
running-config file from the Switch to the USB. And the file name
is “startup-config”.
Figure 5.71 – Backup & Restore Setting Terms & Value Description
Figure 5.72 – USB Auto Load and Backup Setting Interface
Figure 5.73 – USB Auto Load and Backup Setting Terms & Value Description