Anritsu BTSMaster MT8222A Firmware Update Download Page 1

Is there a problem updating firmware using USB interface?



An intermittent problem occurs with firmware updates using the USB interface with several of the 

hand held test instruments. The list of instruments includes the MS2024A, MS2026A, MS2034, 

MS2036A, MS2717A/B, MS2718B, MS2719B, MS2721A/B, MS2723B, MS2724B, MS8911A/B, 

MT8220A and MT8222A.  After the update is completed, the instrument may fail to boot properly. 

If you have an instrument that fails to boot after a failed firmware update, use the following steps 

to resolve the problem.  


1.  Close Master Software Tools and then re-open it.  

2.  Power off the instrument. Connect it via Ethernet to your local network or directly to your 

PC using an Ethernet cross-over cable. 

3.  Power up the instrument into bootstrap mode. Hold the 





 soft keys, 

located   right of the display directly below the 


 key, then press the 



Keep the 3 soft keys pressed until the Anritsu logo appears on the display. The Bootstrap 

screen will appear after a few seconds.  





