For security reason, please modify password after you first login.
You can set to lock an account or not, password login attempt times, and account lock time.
Figure 3
Open IE and input DVR address in the address column. For example, if your DVR IP is, then please input http:// in IE address column.
System pops up warning information to ask you whether install webrec.cab control or not. Please
click yes button.
If you can
’t download the ActiveX file, please modify your IE security setup.
After installation, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 4.
Please input your user name and password.
Default factory name is admin and password is admin.
Note: For security reasons, please modify your password after you first login.
Figure 4
Accessing by mobile
Method 1
You can use your cell phone to scan the QR code and add it to the cell phone client.