The SubVI
cuts a string consisting of value and unit into these
two parts. The value from this operation (Range) is divided by the physical gain that is supplied by
the physical unit (e.g. PhysGain is 1000 for a PhysUnit of “mV”). The count of digits to be shown
in “” is calculated in the second part of the VI. It depends on the Range of the
supplied String.
The VI “
” (in LabView9 folder, only) consists of two part. First comes an
initialization. Start the VI after you connected everything and selected an output amplitude, the
input gain as well as the start and stop frequency and the number of steps to be taken. The VI
now takes a spectrum with the selected settings and shows the resulting amplitude and phase in
the diagrams.
Manual USB Lockin 250 – Rev. 1.03 dated 07/11/13
Page 33 (37)