Sweep Frequency
Window Description
Options for the frequency sweep
DLL Description
Working with the DLL in C++ projects
Example programs
Remote Control with LabView
Files and Locations
General Programming Directions in LabView
Description of Example VI Files
Multiple LockIn Amplifiers in LabView
Revision History
Copyright 2002-2013 Anfatec Instruments AG. All rights reserved. Anfatec, and AMU are
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trademarks of their respective owners.
Anfatec Instruments AG assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from use of
this manual.
Anfatec Instruments AG assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from use of
the software. Anfatec Instruments AG assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss by
deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be sure to make backup
copies of all important data on other media to protect against data loss.
Important: Please read Anfatec Licence Agreement contained in this handbook before using the
accompanying software programs. Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the
terms of Anfatec Software Licence Agreement.
Manual USB Lockin 250 – Rev. 1.03 dated 07/11/13
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