Andonstar ADSM302 Digital Microscope
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*Interface Definitions and Functions
Main menu:
Here, users can open different devices or lead in pictures to observe or edit, do video setting or save setting,
choose which windows to show or hide etc.
Here are the tools that would be useful for users to do measuring and image analysis. Definition and function of
different tools would be given in chapter “Icons definitions”. Users can choose to hide or show this toolbar in
“View→Toolbars and Docking Windows→Standard”.
Picture Browser:
Here is where users can review all pictures they’ve captured. Users can also edit the picture by right clicking the
picture and open it in the main operating window. Choose “View→Toolbars and Docking Windows→Picture
browser” to show or hide this window.
Secondary operating window:
The image showing in this window always follows your cursor, and with a bigger magnification. With help of this
window, the result of measuring can be much more precisely.
It belongs to window “Picture Browser”.