1. Call a contact: From the contact list, touch the contact you want to open the
Contact details scree
n. Touch the call number directly to dial that contact‟s primary
number (first in the list on their details screen).
2. To dial a different number for the contact, select the contact‟s name, and then
select the number on their details screen and then touch the number that you want to
3. Send a text or multimedia: To send a text or multimedia message to a contact, you
must have a message to a contact mobile number stored for them in contact details.
From the Contact details screen, select a phone numbe
r and click „Message‟ icon, A
Compose screen opens for your new message. Complete your message and select
4. Send email to a contact: To send an email message to a contact, you must have an
email address stored for them in their contact details.
• Select the contact you want to email. Their Contact details screen opens.
• Complete your message, select „Send‟.