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6.5 Time zone Localization Setting
GT08L can configure the timezone of TCP data and SMS data separately, but TCP data uses GMT
time by default.
SMS setting Command:
hh: mm
is SMS data timezone hour and minute.
Example: Setup time zone with 8.
SMS query Command:
6.6 Remote Cut-engine (Immobilizer)
Wireless cut-off engine SMS command
Wireless disable engine lock status SMS command
6.7 Reset Mileage report value
In every Position data packet to tracking server, GT08L data package includes the current travel
mileage. And the user can by SMS command to reset or adjust the mileage report value.
SMS Command:
xxx: mileage, unit is Meter.
Example: reset mileage to 2000 meters
6.8 Tracking parameter setting
By following SMS command to setup device data update interval in acc on and acc off and angle
SMS setting command:
(uptime,1,acc on time,acc off time,angle change)
acc on time: position update interval when in acc on, unit is second.
acc off time: position update interval when in acc off, unit is second.