Honeywell KAP 100 Pilot'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for KAP 100


Page 2: ...eringMode CWS 23 TakeoffandClimbto AssignedAltitude 24 25 VOR RNAVCapture 30 31 The KAP 150 Autopilot System 33 Modesof Operation 34 35 SystemSelfTest 36 Attitude Referenc of Operation 37 Autopilot Mode AP 37 HeadingSelectMode HDG 38 NAV VOR RNAV 39 NAV VOR RNAV ApproachModeUsingthe KG 107 KI206 In BackCourseModeUsingthe KG 107 KI206 Indicators BC 44 BackCourseModeUsingthe OptionalKI525A PNI BC 45...

Page 3: ...KG107 KI206 Outboundon FrontCoursefor Proc FrontCourse ILSApproach KG 107 KI206 RNAVCapture KG 107 KI206 RNAVCapture KI525A LongRangeNAVTracking Optional KAS2978 Altitude and Vertical Speed Selector AltitudePreselect AltitudeAlerting Vertical SpeedPreselect Vertical SpeedSynch Test Mode ILSApproach KI525A FrontCourse ILSApproach KI525A KAS 2978 OperatingProcedure KCS 55A CompassSystem Altitude Pro...

Page 4: ...s also significantthat these Silver Crown flight control systems have been designedfrom the beginningto interface with your Silver Crown package of COMM NAV Pulse products Consider the advantage of having your avionics working together as an integratedsystem rather than as a group of unrelated components built by several manufacturers To fully utilize the impressive capabili ties of your new digit...

Page 5: ...Control System U P 150AutotMot Svstem The M P 150 Autopilot System is a two axis panel mounted digital system which delivers highly sophisticatedIFR capability It has modes and functions simi lar to the KFC 150 but has no flight director KAP 100Autopilot System The KAP 100Autopilot System is a single axis panel mounted digital system which extends Silver Crown quality and reli ability to an entire...

Page 6: ...s Yes Yes Yes Standard Optional Yes Yes Yes Yes Both Yes Yes KAP 150 Yes Optional Standard Standard Standard Standard Optionalfor some aircraft Optionalfor some aircraft Optionalfor some aircraft Yes Optional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard Optional Yes Yes Yes Optional with KI 525A Standard with KG 107 Both Yes Yes KAP 100 Yes Optional Standard Standard Optional Optionalfor someaircraft Yes Yes Yes ...

Page 7: ...n the case of the KAP 100 roll commands only In the KFC 150system these commands are rout ed through the KI 256 Flight Command Indicator FCI where they are displayed on the V Bar as visual guidance commands In all three systems these steering commands are fed to the autopilot compu tation circuits contained in the appropriate flight computer which generates the com mands for the individualservos t...

Page 8: ...T112 KG 102A Slaved DG Detector r s L t E L I Controller1 contains computer functions modecontrol buttons and annunciator lights in a single unit Also contains altitude 1 1 1 Annunciator 1 I Autopilot Disconnect Trim Interrupt OR nM J n KA51B SlavingAccessory This is a 2 Axis Pitchand Roll System ThirdAxisYaw DamperSystem Optionalon someaircraft unted May not be included rol in allYaw Damper insta...

Page 9: ... KG107 KI204or otherCourse I I DirectionalGyro DeviationIndicator I I not included I I I I I I I I I rim Interrupt t KMT112 I I Y d I I Flux I KI525A Pictorial I Navigation Indicator I I I I KCS55A Slaved m I n R AI I slavingACC S This isa 2 Axis Pitchand Roll System ThirdAxisYaw DamperSystem Optionalon some aircraft I 5 L 1 n o r r f r Panel Mounted May notbe included Switch installations YD Annu...

Page 10: ...lGyro Deviation Indicator I not included I OR KG 102A I 1 L SlavedDG I I I I I I 1 KMT112 I I NavigationIndicator Detector I 7 4 I KI 3 cm ricioriai Flux I I I I R 7 I I KCS55A Slaved I I CompassSystem I Optional KA 51A a 51B I I I SlavingAccessory I contains computer functions mode controlbuttons andannunciator lights in a singleunit D KS 179 PitchTrim Servo Autopilot Disconnecff Thisis a Single ...

Page 11: ...191 Mode Controller Computer Annunciatorfor the KAP 150 incorporates the functions of a computer mode controller and annunciator lights in a single panel mounted unit The KC 191 annunciates all vertical and lateral autopilot system modes In addition the KC 191 has six push buttons for engaging autopilot modes a push buttonto initiate system self test and a vertical trim rocker switch to allow for ...

Page 12: ...pplied in order for the unit to operate Immediatelyfollowing electrical power turn on the knob labeled Pull to Erect should be pulled out with a moderate even pull and held in the out position for approxi mately three seconds The knob should then be released quickly but smoothly Erectingthe unit should only by accomplished while the aircraft is relatively level on the ground or in level flight The...

Page 13: ...l scan Optional 130A Altimeter to providealtitude prese lectlalertingand vertical speed modes for the KFC 150 and KAP 150 systems System Monitor Description Through the use of extensive monitor circuits in the 100 series flight control sys tems safer control of the aircraft is provid ed since failures are predominantly soft aircraftcontrol is automatically returned to the pilot when a fault is det...

Page 14: air craft at a slightly higher cost er which calculatesthe appropriatepitch and roll attitudes required to intercept and maintain headings courses approach paths pitch attitudes and altitudes Once computed the commands are displayedto the pilot on the single cue steering com mandwhich is part of the KI 256 Flight Command Indicator FCI The flight director system is a comput good cross check is t...

Page 15: ...itude Reference Poweronandnomodesselected FCIdisplays aircraftattitudeandPNI displaysaircraftheading CommandV barisbiasedout of view Aircraft engine mustberunningfor pressureor vacuum to beappliedto FCIattitudegyro FlightDirector FD V bar will appear andcommandwings level andpitchattitude of the aircraftat the timeof modeselection Autopilot Engage APENG Aircraft control surfaces aileronsand elevat...

Page 16: ...ackCourse BC Altitude Hold ALT TheV bar will commandthe pitch attitude necessaryto maintainthe engagedaltitude Test Button Depressingthe test buttoninitiatesatest of the KFC 150circuitry includingoperationof various modesand of thetrim Thetest must be performedafter power isapplied and beforethe autopilot can beengaged butthe flight director canbe usedwithout the test being performed VerticalTrim ...

Page 17: ...f that the system is operatingnormally T o performa test momentarilypush the test button The following actionswill occur 1 All annunciator lights the trim light and autopilot lights will illuminate 2 The trim light will flash 4 times 3 The annunciator legendswill go blank an aural tone will beep approx 6 times and the AF light will flash approx 12 13times and go off If the AP light fails to flash ...

Page 18: ...e gyro while in this state slow gyro erection leveling will occur due to gyro inertia If aircraft operations are initiated before the gyro is fully erected there is a greater pos sibility that the gyro may tumble causing loss of primary attitude informationfrom the Attitude Gyro FLIGHT DIRECTOR FD MODE The flight director mode is activated by depressingthe FD buttonon the mode controller or the CW...

Page 19: com mands are satisfied This will prevent any rapid changes in the aircraft s attitude when the autopilot is engaged Once engaged the autopilot will attempt to satisfy the V bar commands gen erated by the selectedflight director modes and roll stabilization and automatic elevator trim as well as automatic responseto all selected flight director commands yaw damper system will significantly dam...

Page 20: ...nd fly the heading 3 The V bar will continue to command the bank necessary to maintainthe selected heading If you move the heading bug again while heading select mode is engaged the V bar will immediately command a turn to the new heading If the autopilot is engaged it will immediatelyturn the aircraft in the directionof the new heading The HDG mode is canceled when NAV or APR coupling occurs or w...

Page 21: ... button on the KC 192 NAV light will flash to signify that the NAV mode is armed NOTE If the NAV mode is selectedwith the aircraft level within i4degrees of bank and within 2 3 dots of course deviation NAV ARM will be bypassed and the NAV mode will engage directly 5 The V bar will command the required bank to maintain the selected heading until the capture point is reached Then the V bar will comm...

Page 22: ...heading mode will be canceled and the APR mode will go from arm to engage HDG light will go out and APR light will go from flashing to steady 6 The V bar will continue to command the required bank to maintain course and the autopilot if engaged will sat isfy those commands Automatic crosswind compensation will provide precisetracking VOR LOC deviation is shown on the PNI and actual crab angle is s...

Page 23: ...elect bug on the 5 The V Bar will command the required bank to maintainthe selected heading until the capture point in reached then it will command a turn to intercept the course The HDG light will go off and the APR light will illuminate steadily as the BC mode goes from arm to engage If the autopilot is engaged it will turn to satisfy the commands 6 The V bar will continue to command the require...

Page 24: ...e autopilot is control ling the elevator through a pitch servo If the autopilot is not engaged and the pilot is hand flying the aircraft he can use a manu al electric trim switch mounted on the yoke to trim off elevator control forces NOTE See the Flight Manual Supplement for detailed instructions on your particular aircraft CONTROL WHEEL STEERING MODE CWS With the autopilot engaged control wheel ...

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Page 33: ...the Long Range Nav 2 As the aircraft crosses way point B the course pointer must be rotatedto reflect the course or bearing to the new activewaypoint 135 in this case I 3 The aircraft changes the activewaypoint to D via a directto operationwith the Long Range Nav The course pointermust be rotatedto 2 2 5 to reflect the bearing to D The autopilotwill then correctly track the course to way point D N...

Page 34: ... KG 107 is not a slaved system which means the gyro must be adjusted periodicallyto correctfor precession I The KG 107displays aircraft magnetic heading Radio navigation course informa tion must be read from the associated CDI to monitor the horizontal navigation results of autopilot control movements To monitor the vertical navigation results of autopilot control movements dur ing an ILS approach...

Page 35: ...KG 107 displays unslavedheading Align headingto magnetic compassby pushingandrotatingthe knobon the lower leftof the KG 107 andupdate periodicallyto correctfor precession With optional KCS55A CompassSystema PNIis installedin placeof the KG 107 The KI525A PNIwill displayslavedaircraft headingand requiresno periodicupdate Aircraft control surfaces aileronsandelevators smoothly respondto satisfyautop...

Page 36: Glideslopeis lockedout The autopilotwill maintainthe engagedaltitude Depressingthetest button initiatesatest of the KAP 150 circuitryincludingoperationof various modesand of the trim Thetest mustbe performedafter turn on beforethe autopilot can beengaged Approach APR ILS VOR or RNAV BackCourse BC Attitude Hold ALT Test Button VerticalTrim This rockerswitchallows youto adjustthe pitch to achieve...

Page 37: ... system CAUTION If the trim legend flashes or remainson at the end of the test it indicates there is a failure in the trim system and the autopilot will not engage See a qualified King Service Agency for repair system self test function which is activated by a test button on the KC 191 Mode Control Computer Annunciator The test must be performed before the autopilot can be engaged The test determi...

Page 38: ...rpowering the Autopilot in the pitch axis in flight for periods of three AUTOPILOT AP MODE NOTE The autopilot cannot be engaged and used after power has been applied to the system until the system self test has been performed and roll stabilization and automatic elevator trim as well as automatic response to all selected autopilot modes On initial engagement with no other autopilot modes selectedo...

Page 39: ...n it instead 2 Depress the HDG button on the KC 191to engage the heading select mode With the autopilot engaged the autopilot will turn the aircraft in the shortest directionto intercept and fly the heading 3 If you move the heading bug again while the heading select mode is engaged the autopilot will immediate ly turn the aircraft in the directionof the newly selected heading See page 48 49 for i...

Page 40: ...level within i4degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation NAV arm mode will be bypassed and the NAV mode will engage directly 4 Within five seconds move the heading bug on the KG 107 to the same mag netic headingas the selected course on the CDI 5 The autopilot will fly an automatic 45 degree interceptheading until within the capturezone then interceptand fly the desired course 6 The autopilo...

Page 41: ...s of course deviation NAV arm mode will be bypassed and the NAV mode will engage directly 1 Tune the frequency for the selected 5 The autopilot will fly the selected heading until entering the capture zone then turn to interceptthe selected course The HDG light will go off and the NAV light will illuminate steadily as the NAV mode goes from arm to engage 6 The autopilot will bank as necessary to m...

Page 42: ... the KC 191 HDG will remain illuminated and APR will flash to signify that APR mode is armed NOTE If the APR mode is selected with the aircraft level within i4 dearees and within 2 3 dots of course deviatkn APR arm mode will be bypassed and the APR mode will engage directly 5 Within five seconds move the heading bug on the KG 107 to the same mag netic headingas the selected course on the CDI 6 The...

Page 43: ...PR mode allows the autopilot to intercept and track ILS both localizer and glideslope VOR and RNAV courses To operate in the APR mode 1 Tune the frequencyfor the selected ILS VOR or RNAV approach 2 Set the final approach course on the KI 525A PNI 3 Establishthe desired interceptangle by setting the heading bug on the intercept heading and activate the HDG mode HDG will illuminate 4 Depress the APR...

Page 44: ...S approach the glideslope mode is armed Automatic capture occurs as the aircraft approaches the glideslopefrom either above or below When the intercept occurs GS is illuminated on the annunciator panel The autopilot will maintain the glideslopewith pitch cor rections If altitude hold ALT mode had been engaged prior to GS cap ture it will disengageat capture and the ALT light will go out NOTE For s...

Page 45: ...e same mag netic heading as the selectedfront course 090 degrees in this example NOTE If the BC APR mode is selected with the aircraft level within 4degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation BC APR arm mode will be bypassed and the BC APR mode will engage directly 4 The autopilot will fly an automatic 45 degree intercept heading until within the capture zone then intercept and fly the desire...

Page 46: ... desired interceptangle by setting the heading bug on the intercept heading and activate the HDG mode HDG light will illumi nate either depressingthe APR button and then the BC button or by merely depressingthe BC button itself HDG will remain illuminated BC will illumi nate and APR will flash to signify that APR mode is armed YOU WILL BE FLYING A RECIPRO COURSE APPROACH FOR EXAM 4 Select the back...

Page 47: ...ntains the altitude at which the mode was engaged To operate in the ALT mode 1 Depressthe ALT button when the air craft has reached the altitude you wish to maintain For smoother operation press the ALT button when the verti cal velocity is no more than 500 fpm required pitch changes to keep the air craft level at the selected altitude 3 The vertical trim switch may be used to adjust altitude up o...

Page 48: ...opilot engaged control wheel steering CWS allows the pilot to maneuver the aircraft without disengaging the autopilot To use control wheel steering depress the CWS button on the yoke This releases the autopilot servos and allows you to assume manual control while autopilot con trol functions are placed in a synchroniza tion state This meansthat when you release the CWS button the autopilot will sm...

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Page 63: ...d tracksthe Long Range Nav 2 As the aircraft crosses way point B the course pointer must be rotatedto reflect the course or bearingto the new activewaypoint 135 in this case 3 The aircraft changesthe activewaypoint D via a direct to operation with the Long Range Nav The course pointer must be rotatedto 225 to reflect the bearingto D The autopilot will then correctly track the course to way point D...

Page 64: ...luding heading hold HDG NAV NAV approach APR and back course BC Likethe KAP 150 the KAP 100 comes equipped with the King KG 107 directional gyro as standard equipment but an option al KCS 55A Compass Systemwith a KI 525A PNI may be chosen instead If you are unfamiliar with the operation of a PictorialNavigation Indicator PNI you should stop here and review the section of the KCS 55A Compass System...

Page 65: ... magnetic compassby pushingandrotatingthe knobon the lower leftof the KG 107 and update periodicallyto correct for precession Withthe optional KCS55A CompassSystem a KI 525A PNI is installedin placeof the KG 107 The PNI will display slavedaircraftheadingand requires no periodicupdate Aircraft control surfaces ailerons smoothly respondto satisfythe autopilotmodes selected bythe pilot Autopilot Enga...

Page 66: ...twill intercept andtrackthe appropriate ILSlocalizeronly V O R or RNAVcourse Withthe front course ILSset onthe CDIor PNI the autopilotwill captureandtracka reverse localizer course BackCourse BC TestButton Depressingthetest buttoninitiatesatest of the KAP 100circuitryincludingoperationof the King manualelectric trim if installed Thetest must be performedafterturn onbeforethe autopilot canbeengaged...

Page 67: ...e test momentarily push the test button 1 All annunciator lights the trim light and autopilot light will illuminate 2 The trim light will flash 4 times 3 The annunciator legends will go blank an aural tone will beep approx 6 times and the AP light will flash approx 12 13 times and go off If the AP light fails to flash you will be unableto engage the autopilot 4 The KC 190 display will go blank The...

Page 68: ... gyros have a tendencyto tilt precess to one side If the air supply is reappliedto the gyro while in this state slow gyro erection leveling will occur due to gyro inertia If aircraft operations are initiatedbefore the gyro is fully erected there is a greater pos sibility that the gyro may tumble causing loss of primary attitude informationfrom the Attitude Gyro AF AUTOPILOT AP MODE NOTE The autopi...

Page 69: ...elect knob If the optional KI 525A is installed set the heading bug on it instead 2 Depressthe HDG buttonon the KC 190 to engage the heading select mode With the autopilot engaged the autopilot will turn the aircraft in the shortest direction to intercept and fly the heading 3 If you move the heading bug again while the headingselect mode is engaged the autopilot will immediately turn the aircraft...

Page 70: ... with the aircraft level within 4 degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation NAV arm mode will be bypassed and the NAV mode will engage directly 4 Within five seconds move the heading bug on the KG 107to the same mag netic heading as the selected course on the CDI 5 The autopilot will fly an automatic 45 degree intercept heading until within the capture zone then intercept and fly the desir3d...

Page 71: ...h the aircraft level within 4 degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation NAV arm mode will be bypassedand the NAV mode will engage directly 5 The autopilot will fly the selected headinguntil entering the capture zone then turn to interceptthe select ed course The HDG light will go off and the NAV light will illuminate steadi ly as the NAV mode goes from arm to engage 6 The autopilot will bank...

Page 72: ...PR will flash to signify that APR mode is armed NOTE If the APR mode is selected with the aircraft level within 4 degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation APR arm mode will be bypassed and the APR mode will engage directly 5 Within five seconds move the heading bug on the KG 107to the same mag netic headingas the selected course on the CDI L 6 The autopilot will fly an automatic 45 degree i...

Page 73: ...KC 190 APR light will flash to signify that APR mode is armed NOTE If the APR mode is selectedwith the aircraft level within i4degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation APR arm mode will be bypassedand the APR mode will engage directly 5 The autopilot will fly the selected head ing until entering the capturezone then turn to intercept the course The HDG light will go off and the APR light wi...

Page 74: ...n this example The HDG light will remain illuminated and the APR light will flash to signify that the APR mode is armed NOTE If the BC APR mode is selectedwith the aircraft level within 4 degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation BC APR arm mode will be bypassedand the BC APR mode will engage directly 4 The autopilot will fly an automatic 45 degree intercept headinguntil within the capture z...

Page 75: by either depressing the APR buttonand then the BC button or by merely depress ing the BC button itself HDG will remain illuminated BC will illuminate and APR will flash to signify that APR mode is armed NOTE If the BC APR mode is selectedwith the aircraft levelwithin 4 degrees and within 2 3 dots of course deviation BC APR arm mode will be bypassed and the BC APR mode will engage directly See ...

Page 76: ...aneuver the aircraft in the roll axis without disengagingthe autopilot To use control wheel steering CWS depress the CWS buttonon the yoke This releasesthe autopilot roll servo and allows you to assume manual control while the autopilot functions are placed in a synchro nization state This means that when you releasethe CWS button the autopilot will smoothly resume control of the aircraft and fly ...

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Page 89: ...ts as the course pointer in NAV mode must be rotated to reflect the course or bearingto the new activewaypoint 135 in this case 3 The akraft changes the activewaypoint D via a direct to operation with the Long Range Nav The HeadingBug must be rotated to 225 to reflect the bearingto D The autopilot will then correctly track the course to way point D seconds to 090 The autopilot commands a 060 inter...

Page 90: ...mputer Controller Annunciator Selection Components Sonalert Aural AltitudeAlert I I f 7 1 p l 2 t ilkMA Z4 A Aural AltitudeAlert I Altitude KAS2978 AltitudeNertical KEA 130A Speed Selector EncodingAltimeter Red Sensor Output Bludomputation Input Photocelldims display automatically Vertical Speed Mode Button Altitude Select Mode Button Vertical Speed Altitude Alert Mode Annunciator Annunciator Conc...

Page 91: ...2 second ALERT annunciation and aural tone alerts the pilot to the aircraft s altitude Until a new altitude is selected the system will provide alerting any time the air craft s altitude varies more than 300 feet from the selectedaltitude at time of installationto be either selected altitude i500or i300 feet Particular STC s may require the use of one of these set tings Consult your aircraftFlight...

Page 92: ...econd the rocker switch is held down Vertical speed can also be modifiedby holdingdown the CWS buttonand changing pitch attitude until the desired vertical speed command is dis played on the KAS 2978 If the KAS 2978 is displayingaltitude at the time vertical speed will be displayed until after the CWS switch is released The inner knob on the KAS 2976 can be pulled out at any time to display the ve...

Page 93: ...displaythis vertical speedfor 2 seconds after pushingVS ENGage 1A The vertical trim rockerswitch on the KC 191 192is being used to slewthe VS command and the selected altitude dis play is replacedby vertical speed until2 seconds after the rockerswitch is released used to varythe VS command CWS or the VS select knob may also be V 2 As the aircraft reachesassjgned altitude alerting i providedand a p...

Page 94: ...n the KAS297B When automati lly engagedaltitude hold thk descent is to be started the new alti tude is ARMed fhe inner concentric knob is pulledout the esfredvertical speed is entered and the ENG Button is pushed with vertical speeddisplayed Operationof the autopilotin descent is identicalto operation in climb with a pitch roundout allowing a smoothcapture of the assigned altitude 93 e 0 ...

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Page 96: ...Indicator is an integral part of the KFC 150 FlightControlSystem It is also availableas an option on the KAP 150 and KAP 100Autopilot Systems The panel mountedKI 525A PNI com bines the display functions of boththe stan dard DirectionalGyro and the Course DeviationIndicator sVOR LOC Glideslope informationto providethe pilotwith a single visual presentationof the complete horizontal navigationsituat...

Page 97: ... d The KI 525A PictorialNavigation Indicator is the panel display for the KCS 55A Compass System It replaces the stan dard DirectionalGyro and Course Deviation Indicator CDI in the aircraft s panel com bining slaved heading and VOR LOC Glideslopedeviation information into one compact display By providing a simple comprehensivevisual presentation of the aircraft s heading and position in rela tion ...

Page 98: ...ay rotateswith the compass card the angular relationship between the deviation bar and the symbolic aircraft providesa pictorial symbolic display of the aircraft s position with respect to the selectedcourse DeviationScale When tuned to a VOR frequency each white dot represents2 degrees of deviation left or right of course When tuned to a Localizer the deviation is 1 2 degree per dot In RNAV APR t...

Page 99: ...rectional gyro is not up to speed Compassfailures can occur which will not be annunciated by the HDG flag Therefore periodic comparisonwith the standby compass is advised NAV Warning Flag A red flag labeled NAV becomesvisible in the upper left quadrant of the display whenever a usable VOR or Localizer signal is not being received If RNAV is installedand the sys tem is in RNAV mode both VOR and DME...

Page 100: ...h KA 51A When depressed the system is in the slaved gyro mode When the button is in the outer position not engaged the system is in the free gyro mode KA 518 Operation is identical except switch is pulledand moved to the appropriate position ClodonriseAdjustment KA 51A When the system is in the free gyro mode depress ingthe clockwise manual heading drive but ton will rotatethe compass card to the ...

Page 101: ...ected for precessionor drift This sensor is mounted remotely usually in a wing tip to eliminate the pos sibility of magnetic interference L 7 L A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The KG 102A DirectionalGyro pro vides gyro stabilizationfor the system and containsthe slaving circuitry necessary for operationof the system Power may be from either 14 ...

Page 102: ... Periodic checks with the standby compassare recom mendedto check and correctfor gyro precession 5 6 7 8 9 10 Until a usablenavigation signal is being receivedby the NAV system a redflag labeled NAVwill be visible in the upper left quadrant of the KI 525A Indicator In operation this warning flag should be visi ble whenever an inadequate navigation signal is being received For normal navigationto o...

Page 103: ...nt course ILSapproach either the aircraft glideslope receiver or the ground station glideslope transmitter is mal functioning Glideslope is usually not avail able during a back course approach The VOR and LOCcourse display will continue to function normally even if a usable glides lope signal is not being received A continuous large deflection of the slaving meter or large discrepancies between th...

Page 104: ...55A The next few pages depict a normal flight departure from MKC enroute to STL via Victor Airway V 12 The charts shown here are for illustration purposesonly not to be used for navigation Careful study of these photographsof the KI 525A PNI should give you a better idea of how simple and comprehensive the display is 103 1 ...

Page 105: ...lays the interceptangle The VOR deviationbar begins to center as we approachthe 110degreecourseto N a p o l e o F e KI525A PNI makes it possibletp intercept the new course smthly with out overshootingor bracketing One methodof doing this is to adjustyour heading so that the top of the deviationbar always touches the lubber line As your aircraftheading approachesthe new course the deviationbar will...

Page 106: ...a precise coordinatedcourse interceptionby adjustingyour headingto keepthetop of the deviation bar touching the lub ber line 4 When the deviationbar is cen tered and alignedwith the coursearrow you are on course Noticethatcorrection for wind drift in this case a 080degree headingon a 088 degree course is completely automatic as longas you keep the deviationbar centered 5 About midwaybetween Napole...

Page 107: ...ristell FE is 098degrees you nowset the selectedcourse pointer on 098 degreesand fly to keepthe deviation bar centered Y 0 0 7 Near the Hemanintersection you switch to ForistellVOFKAC and movethe course arrowto 100degrw which is the V 12 inboundcourseto FE The TO FROM indicator changesto TO 0 0 0 e 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 106 ...

Page 108: ...n the NAV receiverand setthe course pointeron the SJL062degree course As you cross the ForistellVOR TAC the deviation bar wihalign with the coursearrow Now set the heading bug to 062 degreesand turn leftto follow mhfi Field APPrmChing v 14to the snV O A C You are nowestablishedon V 14 flying to the S T LVORTAC Once again if you fly to keep thpdeviationbar centered cor rectionfor wind drift will au...

Page 109: ...therefore that you must eventually fly backto the radialin order to be on course during the inbound leg of the holdingpat tern 3 Outbound you are using the heading bug as a referencefor 244 degrees The 244 degree radial is off the rightwing and par allelto your outbound course 4 Halfwaythroughyour turn to the inbound 064 degree course the KI 525A shows the symbolic aircraft approaching the deviati...

Page 110: ...ith the same techniqueyou used in interceptingan enroute course Simply keepthe top of the deviation bar on the lubber line and eoordinateyour turn until the bar is centeredwith the coursearrow Each dot on the LOC deviation scale rep resents 112a degree of deviation when tuned to an ILSfrequency 3 The KI 525A shows you that you have interceptedthe localizer course The glideslopepointershave started...

Page 111: ... headingbugto 013 degreesand madea 180degreeturn to this heading This 013 degree heading will interceptthe back course The KI 525A clearly picturesthe course you are to interceptand the angleof interception 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Duringthe procedureturn outbound the deviation bar shows pictoriallythat the air craft as represented by the symbolic air craft in the center of the KI525A is flying degreeanglewh...

Page 112: ...rmationis engaged With compassflag present only FD and vertical modes can be selected I CAUTION Exact EmergencyProcedures vary from aircraft to aircraft becauseof dif ferences in electricalsystems instrument arrangementsand flight characteristics Consult the Flight ManualSupplementfor your particularaircraftfor detailed instruc tions on emergency procedures 1 3 EngineFailure in MultiengineAircraft...

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Page 114: the autopilot fly informa tion from the Number 2 radio This may be particularlyhelpful if either the Number 1 or Number 2 radio should fail When installedwith a 100 series flight control usingthe KCS 55A compass sys tem a special status KI 525A PNI and a special status CDI are required When using the number 2 system always set the OBS to the desiied course This includes setting the front course...

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Page 116: ... 1 5 1 2812 5 24 85 1 1 27 1 4 1 8 1 2 8 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 I 4 9 6 I 2811 6 KAP 100 with KG 107 Additional for 3rd axis Additional for Altitude1 yaw damper Vertical Speed Preselect 4 49 2 04 1412 2 2 8 1 1 l 3 00 1 32 1410 5 2810 4 KFC 150 1418 7 I 25 25 I 11 45 I 2814 4 To add 3rd axis to a systemwithout KCS 55A additionalAC power inverter is required In keepingwith Honeywell spolicyof continualp...

Page 117: ...r the BendidKing Warranty Only these qualified BendidKing Sales Upon completion of your aircraft s flight control installation you will be provid ed with a warranty informationpacket which lists the model serial number and warranty expiration date for each unit of BendidKing equipment installed by BendidKing Service Centers throughout the world Keep your BendidKing Warranty packet in your airplane...
