Sub MkIIP Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide Monitor
User Manual - US Navy Version
Document Ref
: AS2-802-14 -
January 2016
Page 14
Disable Logging:
If you do not want data logging to take place at all, press the ‘Disable Logging’ button.
‘Logging disabled’ will be shown on the Instrument Status page.
Logging Options:
Select the data items that you wish to record from O
, CO
, Depth and Temperature, by
clicking on the box next to the parameter you require, if the box has been successfully
selected a
will appear.
Logging Resolution:
Select the Logging Resolution you require by clicking on the
▼ arrow, and then clicking on
the time interval you want. This is the time interval between logged readings, which can be
set to one of various values between 10 seconds and 30 minutes. Please be aware that the
shorter the time interval, the shorter the data storage period. For example logging just CO
2 minute intervals will give approximately 4 days of continuous data storage, where as logging
, CO
, Depth and Temperature at 10 second intervals will result in approximately 2 hours of
continuous dat
a storage. The wording ‘continuous’ refers to the unit logging when left
permanently switched on. If the instrument is switched off, e.g. overnight, this time period will
be extended.
Note there is a slight overhead every time the instrument is switched on and off, so the
number of data points recorded will be slightly reduced each time the instrument is switched
off and on. In normal daily use this reduction will not be apparent.
Full Memory:
This option enables you to specify what the instrument should do when its data logging
memory is full.
You may choose to ‘Ignore newer data’ if for example you are conducting a specific test run,
using a short logging resolution, and you only require data from that test. By ignoring new
data you will ensure that you retain your test data until you have been able to download it to a
Alternatively you may choose to ‘Discard older data’ if you want the instrument to essentially
keep on logging for ever, and you only intend to download the data following an incident you
want to investigate.
Once you have set each of the 3 options described above (Logging Data, Logging Resolution
and Memory Full options), press ‘Clear Instrument and Setup for Logging’. This transfers the
selected options to the instrument. It also transfers the date and time from your PC to the
instrument. Make sure the Date and Time on your PC are correct!
You will be asked to confirm whether logging should ‘Start Immediately’, or the next time the
instrument is switched on (‘Start at next Power-Up’). This enables you to optimize the data
storage time by leaving the instrument switched off until it is required.
Reset log with Elapsed Time:
Select this option if you wish to enable the Reset log with Elapsed Time option, by clicking on
the box. If the box has been successfully selected a
will appear.
With this option enabled the data log period will be reset and any existing data in the data log
memory cleared, when the Elapsed Timer is reset to zero (see Section
Error! Reference
source not found.
). Enabling this option will ensure that data is logged during any DISSUB
incident for later analysis.