Rev. 0 | Page 15 of 24
Figure 19.
Tab of the
The Histogram tab generates a histogram using the gathered
samples and processes the data to calculate the P-P Noise, RMS
Noise, and resolutions (see Figure 19).
Histogram Graph and Controls
The data histogram graph (Label 25 in Figure 19) shows the
number of times each sample of the ADC output occurs. Zoom
in on the data using the control buttons (Label 26 in Figure 19)
in the graph. Change the scales on the graph by typing values
into the x-axis and y-axis.
Analysis Input
The data used to generate the histogram and values in the noise
analysis area (Label 27 in Figure 19) is set by the Noise Analysis
box (Label 28 in Figure 19). All enabled inputs appear here in
the Noise Analysis box.
Noise Analysis
The noise analysis area (Label 27 in Figure 19) displays the
results of the noise analysis for the selected analysis input,
including both noise and resolution measurements.
Display Units and Axis Controls
Click the Units: V/mV/A/mA box in the Graph Configuration
area (Label 29 in Figure 19) to select whether the data graph
displays in units of voltages, amps, or codes. This control is
independent for each graph.
The Y-scale: Autoscale and X-scale: Autoscale boxes can be set
to autoscale or fixed scaling. When Autoscale is selected, the
axis automatically adjusts to show the entire range of the ADC
results after each batch of samples. When Fixed is selected, the
user can set the axis range. These ranges do not automatically
adjust after each batch of samples.
Device Error
The Device Error indicator (Label 30 in Figure 19) illuminates
in the Histogram tab when a CRC error or an error in the ADC
is detected. More specific information on the error can be found
by clicking Summary in the Configuration tab (Label 11 in