Rev. 0 | Page 11 of 24
Figure 17.
Tab in Advanced Mode
Overview of the Main Window
After selecting AD4114 Evaluation Board, shown in Figure 13,
the main window of the evaluation software displays, as shown
in Figure 16. This tab shows the control buttons and analysis
indicators of the
software. The main window of
software in quick start mode contains four tabs:
Configuration, Voltage Waveform, Noise Table, and Histogram.
In advanced mode, two additional tabs are available:
Ch Waveform and Registers.
The Configuration tab shows a block diagram of the
This tab allows the user to select inputs, set up the ADC, reset the
ADC, view errors present, and configure the device for different
demonstration modes. Figure 16 shows the Configuration tab
in detail, and the following sections discuss the different
elements on the Configuration tab of the software window.
Inputs (Quick Start Mode Only)
has 16 voltage inputs, which can be configured as
single-ended or fully differential pairs (Label 1 in Figure 16).
Use the Vin0 - Vin7 and Vin8 – V15 buttons to select between
The voltage range can also be set per input to −10 V to +10 V, −5 V
to +5 V, 0 V to +10 V, or 0 V to +5 V. Changing the appropriate
voltage range provides more realistic values for P - P Resolution
and RMS Resolution shown in the noise analysis area (Label 23
in Figure 18).
Output Data Rate (ODR)/Measurement Time
The ODR can be set for all inputs in the Configuration tab
(Label 2 in Figure 16). Set the ODR by entering a value in hertz
into the ODR(Hz) box or a measurement time in milliseconds
into the Time(ms) box. If an ODR is entered, the software
calculates the measurement time. If a time is entered, the
software calculates the fastest ODR that can achieve the
required measurement time.