AN231K04-DVLP3 – AnadigmApex Development Board
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Powering up the AnadigmApex Development Board
The options for powering up the board are as follows:
Connect a transformer with centre voltage b4V and +12V to the jack socket input, OR
Connect wires from a single precision, regulated supply to the on-board 2-way terminal with the
voltage set to between 4V and 12V.
Anadigm recommends the use of a standard supply regulator or d.c. power supply with a regulated
output of either 6 or 9 volt d.c.
Note: the board is protected against connection to a supply with the wrong polarity
Note: The power supply “jack socket” specification is 5.5mm outer conductor, 2.1mm inner connector, inner
(or center) connector is Positive.
: the board should not be powered with more than 12.5V
There is a green LED to indicate that the board is successfully powered up. The board should take
approximately 25mA when first powered up and before the dpASP (AN231E04) is configured. The current
after the dpASP is configured depends very much on the circuit programmed into the dpASP.
Programming the board
It is possible to physically connect both the RS232 and USB cables at the same time, however only one or
the other is needed; please choose one and set the shorting link on the Development board appropriately to
enable either USB or RS232.
Anadigm prefers the RS232 because it is hardware detected and
automatically discovered by AnadigmDesigner
2, we understand that many new PC’s do not have RS232
interfaces so have added a USB interface and all the complexity associated with drivers
Programming the Board (serial Interface – RS232)
Once the board has been powered up, simply connect the board to the serial port of a PC using a standard
RS232 cable. Check the position of Jumper pair J15, should be both jumpers in the upper position.
Open AnadigmDesigner
2 on the PC, create a circuit and click on Configure. If configuration is successful,
the green LED next to the PIC in the digital section will illuminate.
If the red LED illuminates then the configuration failed. If this happens then check the supply to the board
and check that the pins marked VDD have +3.3V on them. Also check that the jumpers are in their default
state (see figure 3 in section 7). Press the reset button and try again.
If configuration was successful then the circuit created in AnadigmDesigner
2 will be programmed into the
dpASP. The analog inputs and outputs can be accessed via the header pins that surround the dpASP.
Note that the outer rings of pins are connected to the dpASP analog I/Os, the inner ring of pins are all
connected to VMR which is at analog signal ground (+1.5V).
Programming the Board (USB serial Interface)
The AN231K04-DVLP3 Ver3 board uses a Silicon Labs
USB to UART Bridge,
this device uses a standard
USB cable, installs like a USB port but internally to the PC and software it appears as a Serial port.
Check the position of Jumper pair J15, should be both jumpers in the upper position.
Driver Installation
Do not connect the AN231K04-DVLP3 Ver3 board to your PC via the USB cable nor start the AN231K04-
DVLP3 Ver3 board GUI at this time - the driver must be installed first
It is assumed that AnadigmDesigner
2 is already installed and registered on your PC.
To install the drivers (CP210x_Drivers.exe) included on the AnadigmDesigner
2 CD. You can also find the
driver here
If this is your first use and you do not have any previous drivers installed start from 3) below.
1) Unplug any USB connected AN231K04-DVLP3 Ver3 board and if applicable other Anadigm product or
SiliconLabs CP210x devices.